Stay Connected

Welcome to Ramblers Self Catering Accommodation. We are trying to compile some information about cellular internet connectivity in Namibia via this web page that may help you choose a suitable service or package to stay connected while on the move. The information provided here is focused on the tourists or short-term visitors.

There are four cellular service providers in Namibia: MTC, Telecom, Paratus & MTN. All service providers have various pre-paid and post-paid (contract) packages. Please visit the website of respective service provider or contact them to know more about their network coverage and / or services offered. The information on this page may not be up to date and we are not associated with any of the service providers. We resell pre-paid SIM cards & airtime (Recharge Vouchers), you may confirm availability by contacting us.

Most of the guests who stayed at our accommodation choose either MTC Aweh or Telecom Jiva prepaid packages. Thay have also claimed that Mobile Telecommunication Company (MTC) network coverage is slightly better than Telecom Namibia Mobile (tnmobile). The connectivity in rural/remote areas is limited to 2G / 3G networks or it may be even non-existent (i.e. no network coverage) in extreme remote areas. Some lodges/accommodation establishment in the rural/remote area have satellite internet connectivity available to guests via local Wi-Fi network within the establishment. 4G Network coverage is available in major cities only. 5G Cellular Networks are not yet available in Namibia.

The prepaid plans offered by Telecom and MTC are currently as follows:

Thank you for visiting this page, a short summary of the most common packages chosen by our guests in the past together with some useful guidelines shall be provided soon.

This page was last updated on 11 September 2022.